Welcome to Our FAQ Page

At The RedHouse Nursing Home in Canterbury, Kent, we understand that choosing the right care home is an important decision, and you likely have many questions. This page is designed to provide clear and helpful answers to the most common queries about our facilities, services, and the care we provide. Whether you’re exploring options for yourself or a loved one, we hope this section helps you feel confident and informed. If you have additional questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our friendly team directly.

How do I know The RedHouse is the best option for me?

At The RedHouse, we have an excellent reputation established over 30 years of serving the local community. This is illustrated by a quote from a local GP in response to a quality assurance questionnaire.

“As a GP visiting many nursing homes in this area, the The RedHouse has no competition for excellence. The care given and the way the home is run are exemplary.”

The RedHouse also keeps a record of feedback and compliments received from residents and their families. This should give you a feeling for the quality of service that we provide through the eyes of people who have had family members stay with us or been residents themselves.

We recognise that the decision to stay at a care home requires careful consideration. Therefore, we carry out in-depth assessments and have a detailed discussion with the resident and their family. This ensures that their needs are meets and all questions are answered, giving you genuine peace of mind.

Lastly, we operate a trial period of four weeks to ensure that the prospective resident and their family are 100% happy with the choice they’ve made.

What happens if my care needs increase in the future owing to illness or age?

We aim to care for our residents even if their needs increase substantially. The RedHouse is “Home” for our residents, so they will continue to be well looked after even if they need more help in the future.

We provide a full range of care from supportive supervision to end-of-life care, ensuring the needs of our residents are met throughout their entire stay with us.

Can you look after people with dementia?

Prior to your admission, we conduct an in-depth assessment to ensure the needs of your loved one are met. Depending on the assessed needs, we will make a decision as to whether we are best suited for them and whether we can meet their needs.

If one of our residents develops dementia, we will make every effort to continue caring for them. If we felt we were unable to meet their needs, and these needs could be better met in another specialist environment, we may seek this solution in their best interest.

What should I do about financial advice?

The cost of care is always a priority when looking for a suitable home. Some residents wish to enjoy the benefits of community living whilst others are more focussed on care and nursing support.

We appreciate how important it is to evaluate the true cost of care and we encourage all residents and their families to seek appropriate support and advice.

The Redhouse provides a remarkable combination of expert professionalism and caring, warm human affection. The relationships between staff and residents are affectionate, positive, humorous and reassuring. We could not ask for more.
